All these words related to crafted radio: documentaries, features, horspiel, creation...
This feeling in prizes as Europa, Italia, URTI, Longueur d'ondes (in Brest) than we are a small team in the whole world on the same road made of voices, sounds, humanity, composition...
When we broadcast it is also to reveal to someone ear the secrets lying under the sounds, there is a topic, perhaps a story but also a mystery. "Thunderclap and sound of wings " to quote René Farabet.
It's a place where soul is beating, where the path is elaborated to share a creation.
Today documentaries may have a life outside of FM broadcast, in Radio France we offer podcast during seven days and listening in streaming on our site during 500 days.
These documentaries are making for some of our listeners a sound library. And we try to make it by adapting author's right with the french society called SCAM.
At the same time we feel that we are hurried up to make fresh proposals, to marry ourselves with internet, with i phones, with or without pictures?, with or without interactivity?, to change our formats, to go faster as is supposed going the world. We feel somme mutation is waited.
There is also 5.1 and binaural diffusion.
I just comme back from a presentation by our multimedia department of a piece of sounds made in Tlemcen , registered in 5.1 and diffused with drawings.
Are we ready and do we want this metamorphosis.
Sorry for my bad english."
Irène Omelianenko, Radio France, France Culture, conseiller de programme au documentaire à la création radiophonique, France
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